This Mysterious Disease Causes Its Victims To Cry Sharp Crystals

No matter how advanced science becomes, some medical oddities will always perplex doctors and researchers alike.
At least two people on Earth suffer from a rare condition that sounds like the most self-damaging mutant superpower since Rogue's inability to touch those she loves. Inexplicably, this condition causes its victims to cry hard, glass-like crystals. The condition is so rare that it doesn't even have a name.

Very little is known about this affliction, and at this point, scientists can only make educated guesses about its cause.

Very little is known about this affliction, and at this point, scientists can only make educated guesses about its cause.
YouTube / massieVtech
The most popular theory is that a patient's tears aren't protecting the cornea from bacteria, causing their eyes to resort to more desperate measures.

These eyes create a layer of keratin, which remains liquified until coming into contact with air, which causes crystallization.

YouTube / massieVtech

Hasnah Mohamed Meselimi is a 12 year old Labanese girl and one of the patients with this bizarre condition. Watch as she produces several crystals from her eyes and act like its nothing!

The intensity of the crystallization appears to vary between the two known patients. As you saw in the video, Hasnah, is said to cry seven razor-sharp crystals a day, and she says the crystals don't appear to do significant damage to her eyes. In the second case, a Brazilian woman says that the 30 crystal tears that she cries every day are immensely painful.

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