Breaking News: ISIS terrorists are in the UK and ready to launch a deadly attack at any moment

ISIS terrorists are in the UK and ready to launch a deadly attack at any moment, it was claimed yesterday.

A jihadist fighting for the terror group has claimed one potential target is this Saturday’s VJ commemorations involving the Queen.

It is believed to be part of a new strategy with the terror group urging British jihadis to carry out attacks at home rather than travelling to Iraq or Syria.

Worryingly, it is believed up to seven Islamic State-linked jihadis are now in the UK and ready to launch an attack.

The shock claims were uncovered by an exclusive online sting by Sky News using fake social media accounts to unmask Islamic State recruiters.

An undercover investigator spoke to a terrorist responsible for training some of those believed to be in Britain.

He claimed they had received training to help launch an attack.

He said: "Yes, yes, yes everything, all of this - using the Kalashnikov, the pistol, the bomb, grenades and other things.

"They have lessons after training that last an hour then they leave.

"We don't see too much, we are there for their protection; seeing what they are actually doing or what they are talking about is impossible, it is forbidden."

The IS chiefs - a married British couple called Junaid and Umm Hussain - told undercover reporters that a girl in Glasgow was poised to murder and maim using an improvised explosive device (IED).

Over a four-month period, Sky News invented and developed characters and employed a freelance investigative reporter to “run” the characters - one male and one female.

Stuart Ramsay, Sky News chief correspondent, said: “Using these personas, we made contact with Islamic State recruiters initially using Twitter - then using anonymous online messaging services.

“It led us to a married couple - Junaid, or Abu, Hussain, and Sally Jones, known as Umm Hussain. They’re both from Britain and living in Raqqa. Hussain, 21, is from Birmingham and is in charge of IS recruitment.

“He is also a former computer hacker and has the dubious honour of being in the top five of IS operatives most likely to be killed by an American drone.

“During the course of our initial contacts he realised he was talking to a female and suggested she talk to his wife. Jones - originally from Chatham in Kent - recruits women and girls from Britain.

“She sent a bomb-making manual to our female character via a secure-sharing site, telling us that she had another girl in Glasgow ready to attack.

“Specifically, she mentioned the Royal Family and the date of August 15 - the day of the VJ commemorations in London.”

The news comes after a newspaper claimed that British jihadis plotted to blow up the Queen next weekend at an event to mark the anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

Police and MI5 were involved in a frantic race against time to thwart the assassination plot being orchestrated from Syria by Islamic State commanders.

The extremists aimed to strike on Saturday by exploding a deadly pressure cooker bomb during events in Central London to mark the 70th anniversary of VJ Day – Victory in Japan, according to the Mail on Sunday.

On Saturday, the Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh – a veteran of the war in the Pacific – will first attend a service at St Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square.

From there dignitaries will move to Horse Guards Parade for a traditional military ‘drumhead’ service, a flypast and a wreath-laying ceremony before the set-piece VJ Day parade of veterans and current troops down Whitehall to Westminster Abbey.

The Metropolitan Police's Specialist Operations unit issued a statement saying: "The police have for some time recognised, and spoken about, the fact that the fight against terrorism has a number of challenges; the real threat from people returning as trained terrorists from Syria and Iraq; the equal threat of those who have not travelled being encouraged and incited to commit attacks in the UK and the young and vulnerable being enticed out to Syria through internet based grooming.

"The police, together with our security partners, remain alert to terrorist threats that may manifest here or where individuals overseas may seek to direct or inspire others to commit attacks in and against the UK.

It is always helpful when journalists share with us information, as Sky did in this case, that could indicate terrorist or criminal activity and we will investigate and take action where appropriate.

"The UK threat level from international terrorism remains severe. We would like to reassure the public that we constantly review security plans for public events, taking into account specific intelligence and the wider threat.

"Our priority is the safety and security for all those attending or involved, the public are encouraged to continue with their plans to attend or take part in events as normal.

"We would also like to reiterate our long-standing advice to remain vigilant and alert. As ever we would urge the public to get in touch to report anything suspicious by calling the confidential anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 or in an emergency by calling 999."

ISIS recently released a sickening video showing their latest appalling execution technique - forcing men to kneel on explosives and then blowing them up.

The footage shows gleeful and proud militants digging up the ground and planting explosives on the dirt.

A group of 10 men are then led by the black-clad terrorists to the site and forced onto their knees.

The killers then flee the site and detonate the explosives, killing the victims in a huge blast.

Before dying, each of the prisoners were forced to admit their offences before being brutally murdered.

It was reportedly filmed in Nangarhar in Afghanistan, where ISIS is trying to increase its power base.

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